Seems that the mail is like bananas

30 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 30, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 21st“]        Free
[ED: Parcel Post stamp on back “December 22, 1943.”  I am guessing Vic did show the V-Mail to the postman when she sent out a package, as requested in this letter!]
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Robert B. Treman, Capt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] DEC 1 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

Hello Punkin’:-

It’s 7 P.M. & pay-day – the pubs won’t be a bit lonely tonite!!  I’m about to go up & “get it,” * have a touch of scotch or two for a change.  Have been out exactly twice in the last two weeks & now that I’m in the dough (8£ 10 shillings – 3¢ to you) think I’ll break the ice for a couple of hours, anyway.  After shaving off 3£, which I owe, it leaves $22.  So I’ll have to take it easy, as Holden & I are going to London Tuesday & Wednesday.  These allotments have slowed me down considerably, socially!!

No mail again today, however, we all had the same luck so I can’t complain.  Seems that the mail is like bananas & my love for you — it comes in bunches of late – Anyway, it’s well worth waitin’ for!!

I’m back on the waiting list for cigarettes, again & just a little mad about abo  (Dammit) the whole thing.  Guess I’m smoking too much.  That’s not really a hint, honey – It’s a formal request & you can show it to the man at the P.O.  with my love & kisses for him – Bless his ornery soul!!  How many??  Lots of ’em!!

Will drop you a long one tomorrow & tell you a little more about this thing of thinkin’ of you over the oceans – It’s awful – this love for You!  JR.

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