It’s Thanksgiving

25 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
Ethel V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                11-25-43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 10th“]        Free
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Robert B. Treman, Capt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 26 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

Hy Darlin’:-

It’s Thanksgiving – 9 P.M. here, & I can picture the scene in the Dining room at “4737” – But good!  What am I thankful for? You!!  And of course that one pound of turkey per man what we were promised that turned out to be two slices (white) & the rest of it Pork – Anyway, I did manage to get my craw full-up.  Fun!!  No holiday over here today, however.

Have been missing the usual “daily” this past week from you – Checked the files tonight & find your last letter mailed Nov. 9th.  Must be a jam-up some where along the line.

Glad to know that you had fun via the Great-Lakes deal – It’s always good to see someone out of the past – But see here, little gal!!  Whadda ya mean you had “Hot Pipes?”

Am mailing today’s issue of “Stars & Stripes,” also a copy of a London paper that may or may not be of interest to you.  Sometimes I get a big kick out of reading the expressions in it.

As for weather, I dunno what to do about winterizing you for this year, as that requires a bit of body contact, & Baby that Atlantic is so-o-o big!!  We’ll have to settle for Christian Science & my love – JR.

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