it’s ‘most time for the Xmas lites to go on in the stores

24 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 24, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 9th“]        Free
No  [Neither one is numbered!!]
[Ed: One letter again covering two separate V-Mails]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Louis U. Merz, 2nd. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 26 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

‘Lo Punkin’:-

Thanksgiving Eve & all’s well!!  It’s cold & clear, & a million stars are competing with innumerable search-lights for the front of the stage.  Clear nites over here are definitely a rarity, & even the big dipper looks different – ‘bee so long since we’ve seen it!

Have just been thinking, it’s ‘most time for the Xmas lites to go on in the stores – Windows full of striped ties, sox, etc., & Field’s big tree will no doubt go up soon – Pleasant thoughts, those.  Take one good look for both of us, huh?  Quite a contrast to our 25 watters in the latrine (it won’t blind anyone) the only bright lights we ever see are the searchlights – it’s quite a show, really – * may the good Lord help any Jerry ever caught in them.

The Admiral has gone to London – He was fortunate enough to get one of the five tickets for the entire regiment to see “This is the Army”  One of the boys saw it ‘tother day – the King & Queen were there & he says Gen. Devers’ big long Packard [Ed: the car appears at about 2:45 into this clip] stole the show from “‘Is Nibs.”  Big deal!!  Will give a detailed report on the Thanksgiving deal in tomorrow’s letter – ‘Bye for now – I’m all You – Stay Mine! JR.

—————Second V-Mail ———————-

Sweetie Pants:-         #2

I don’t quite know what’s prompting this one.  I just wrote you about an hour ago, & this will no doubt serve to make our beloved censor blow his top, however – I’ve been down to the “Y” having a couple of spots of tea, & just a-settin’ * a thinkin’, & some more — If ya don’t know what I was thinkin’ of, just set back & relax, baby – on account of it’s all been of you – mighty pleasant tho’ts, too — Dammit!!

It’s been 20 months since you were finally convinced of the reality of it all, & it doesn’t seem a day over 20 years, ‘shelp me!!  Next time we’ll hole up in the mountains of Tennessee & let the rest of the world go by, as I’ve picked out our cave, high up in the Blue-Ridge Mountains where the Draft-board will never find us – Nor will anyone else (I hope).  Such a mood!!  Do ya recon I’m “tetched?”  Could be!!

Anyway, before I say G’Nite, I hope you get the general idea that I’m thinkin’ of ya right powerful, & lovin’ ya Oh so much!! Move over, Pete. G’nite — Slug.

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