Cherries & Caviar!!

23 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 23, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 9th“]        Free
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Louis U. Merz, 2nd. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 26 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

‘Lo Darlin’:-

Remember me??  Long time no see, no write, no hear!!  Have been a little busy for the last cuple of days “Operatin'” & it does feel good to get back & relax a bit.

This perpetual fog & rain keeps hanging on, & honey – it goes right thru your bones – It’s so wet you could add malt & hops & drink it for beer, I’m sure!! Looks like we’ll have to do without that white Xmas again this year if we stay here — Speaking of Xmas – Santa has hit here in full force today – the place has taken on the aspect of a department store — Everything from sweaters like the one your mom made for me, to Holden’s “Notions Dept” — He even has Maraschino Cherries & Caviar!! All of which reminds me that my prized possession these days is that sweater, & I do mean that – I practically wear it to bed of late!!  Bite your mom on the ear for me, huh!! [Text inverted]: How are my Pups doing??  Keeping warm??

We’re about to mix up a batch of “Cool-Ade,” fresh out of Holden’s Xmas box – Imagine – in this weather!! — It’s cold, & there’s only one place I can get warm — in Bed!!  Comin’ along??  Goodie for me??  Ya better had, ’cause you’re my love – JR

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