Such swell gadgets!!

15 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
PETE V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                          11-18-43                  [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 7th“]        Free
No  [Neither one is numbered!!]
[Ed: One letter again covering two separate V-Mails]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Edward J. Gibson, 1st. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 19 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

My Darlin’:-

Such treatment as I’ve been gettin’ from you of late has me in a stupor, & I have no idea as to how to start this one.  The mail is flowing like Wind & today’s parcel blew my top clear into Ireland.  Such swell gadgets!!  I’m almost afraid you’ll get tired of these humble efforts at saying “thanx” over & over again.  ‘Specially when I’m so confident that I could do such a super job were it Dog-patch style.  Gosh, Baby – you’re in for an awful goin’ over one of these days!

Haven’t had a chance to see wot gives in the record as yet, but I know where I can find a phonograph as for the rest of the package – Haw!! Had to fight off the whole barracks in order to get it open.  That flash-light gadget has ’em all green-eyed – Razor-Blades!!  Hm-m — Honey, they’re gold!!  Every shave will be for just you – just as they always are, so there!!

I don’t think I ever got such a kick out of one of your letters as the one of Oct 21., about our button, Corbie Davis, [Ed: a professional football player from Lowell, Indiana] the “uplift” etc.  I’ve read it over & over again & got more buzz out of it every tie.  Sounds like a mixture of Walter Winchell, Damon Runyon, Eleanor Roosevelt, & best of all, you!  Wot a letter – Give some more, huh??  Before I start another page I’ll say I love ya & hope you read this one first !!


———————–[Second V-mail]————————————

Hello Again!!-  #2

I’m feelin’ awfully conversationy tonite & am all wound up like a kid on Xmas Eve – I’m hopin that you & the Censor’ll bear with me for another.

Got a particular bang out of your visit with Win & Pauline – sounds homey as hell – ‘specially the “Freedom of Expression” deal.  If only the Major & I could sit in on that!!  I’m wonderin’ just what it was you took on yourself to censor – Could it be that I’ve done gone & compromised myself?  I betcha!  Am also wondering what Johnnie censored from you in my letter. The louse!!  I think he likes that embarrassed look you get when he give you “the business.”  As for that “‘Nite Pidge” – You can tell him for me that its strictly hands off – I’ll take charge of you, Pronto, when this mess is all over, & I guarantee we’ll get caught up quick-like & keep a vestibule for nothing bu sentimental reasons only!! [Text inverted]:  B-r-r-r- Cold here, too!!

I’m running out of paper & the boys are coming in from the bubs 0 that all adds up to a lot of noise, crap-games, etc., So now I have to try to think up a new way to say ‘G’nite’ as in the days of yore, & as I know it can’t be done, I’m not even gonna try – think I’ll just have the dream I’m thinkin’ of, & say G’nite – Stay Mine – JR.

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