Archive | November, 1943

Seems that the mail is like bananas

30 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 30, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 21st“]        Free
[ED: Parcel Post stamp on back “December 22, 1943.”  I am guessing Vic did show the V-Mail to the postman when she sent out a package, as requested in this letter!]
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Robert B. Treman, Capt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] DEC 1 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

Hello Punkin’:-

It’s 7 P.M. & pay-day – the pubs won’t be a bit lonely tonite!!  I’m about to go up & “get it,” * have a touch of scotch or two for a change.  Have been out exactly twice in the last two weeks & now that I’m in the dough (8£ 10 shillings – 3¢ to you) think I’ll break the ice for a couple of hours, anyway.  After shaving off 3£, which I owe, it leaves $22.  So I’ll have to take it easy, as Holden & I are going to London Tuesday & Wednesday.  These allotments have slowed me down considerably, socially!!

No mail again today, however, we all had the same luck so I can’t complain.  Seems that the mail is like bananas & my love for you — it comes in bunches of late – Anyway, it’s well worth waitin’ for!!

I’m back on the waiting list for cigarettes, again & just a little mad about abo  (Dammit) the whole thing.  Guess I’m smoking too much.  That’s not really a hint, honey – It’s a formal request & you can show it to the man at the P.O.  with my love & kisses for him – Bless his ornery soul!!  How many??  Lots of ’em!!

Will drop you a long one tomorrow & tell you a little more about this thing of thinkin’ of you over the oceans – It’s awful – this love for You!  JR.

Full of home-made fruit-cake

29 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 29, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 21st“]        Free
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Edward J. Gibson, 1st. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 301943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

‘Lo Punkin’:-

[Text written vertically with musical notes drawn]:  No letter today!!

Full of home-made fruit-cake (courtesy of Sammy Migliore, Cleveland, O.) [Ed: Sgt. Migliore died in during the first week of after the D-Day landings in Normandy according to this source]   & hot tea & about to hop into the bunk.  Have nothing of any importance to report, as all is quiet along the Western front for the moment, however it’s just the right time for a bit of a chat with my pigeon – I’m a firm believer in the fact that it’s good for the soul – ‘Specially mine!!

The mail-man has once again lapsed into a coma, so far as my mail is concerned, & I know muust exactly how it feels not to get any mail for what seems like ages, ho it’s not quite that long, really [Text inverted]:  Are you keepin’ those pups warm?

Have been wondering if you’ve received your bracelet as yet – It’s most a month since I maild it & you should be getting it quick-like.  Been cold as helll here of late & the only way we can keep warm is to get in the hay.  All of which brings back days of yore & I sort of wonder, “Comin’ along??”  Goodie for me!!  G’nite now & don’t squirm – My love, JR.

It’s Thanksgiving

25 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
Ethel V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                11-25-43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 10th“]        Free
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Robert B. Treman, Capt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 26 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

Hy Darlin’:-

It’s Thanksgiving – 9 P.M. here, & I can picture the scene in the Dining room at “4737” – But good!  What am I thankful for? You!!  And of course that one pound of turkey per man what we were promised that turned out to be two slices (white) & the rest of it Pork – Anyway, I did manage to get my craw full-up.  Fun!!  No holiday over here today, however.

Have been missing the usual “daily” this past week from you – Checked the files tonight & find your last letter mailed Nov. 9th.  Must be a jam-up some where along the line.

Glad to know that you had fun via the Great-Lakes deal – It’s always good to see someone out of the past – But see here, little gal!!  Whadda ya mean you had “Hot Pipes?”

Am mailing today’s issue of “Stars & Stripes,” also a copy of a London paper that may or may not be of interest to you.  Sometimes I get a big kick out of reading the expressions in it.

As for weather, I dunno what to do about winterizing you for this year, as that requires a bit of body contact, & Baby that Atlantic is so-o-o big!!  We’ll have to settle for Christian Science & my love – JR.

it’s ‘most time for the Xmas lites to go on in the stores

24 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 24, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 9th“]        Free
No  [Neither one is numbered!!]
[Ed: One letter again covering two separate V-Mails]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Louis U. Merz, 2nd. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 26 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

‘Lo Punkin’:-

Thanksgiving Eve & all’s well!!  It’s cold & clear, & a million stars are competing with innumerable search-lights for the front of the stage.  Clear nites over here are definitely a rarity, & even the big dipper looks different – ‘bee so long since we’ve seen it!

Have just been thinking, it’s ‘most time for the Xmas lites to go on in the stores – Windows full of striped ties, sox, etc., & Field’s big tree will no doubt go up soon – Pleasant thoughts, those.  Take one good look for both of us, huh?  Quite a contrast to our 25 watters in the latrine (it won’t blind anyone) the only bright lights we ever see are the searchlights – it’s quite a show, really – * may the good Lord help any Jerry ever caught in them.

The Admiral has gone to London – He was fortunate enough to get one of the five tickets for the entire regiment to see “This is the Army”  One of the boys saw it ‘tother day – the King & Queen were there & he says Gen. Devers’ big long Packard [Ed: the car appears at about 2:45 into this clip] stole the show from “‘Is Nibs.”  Big deal!!  Will give a detailed report on the Thanksgiving deal in tomorrow’s letter – ‘Bye for now – I’m all You – Stay Mine! JR.

—————Second V-Mail ———————-

Sweetie Pants:-         #2

I don’t quite know what’s prompting this one.  I just wrote you about an hour ago, & this will no doubt serve to make our beloved censor blow his top, however – I’ve been down to the “Y” having a couple of spots of tea, & just a-settin’ * a thinkin’, & some more — If ya don’t know what I was thinkin’ of, just set back & relax, baby – on account of it’s all been of you – mighty pleasant tho’ts, too — Dammit!!

It’s been 20 months since you were finally convinced of the reality of it all, & it doesn’t seem a day over 20 years, ‘shelp me!!  Next time we’ll hole up in the mountains of Tennessee & let the rest of the world go by, as I’ve picked out our cave, high up in the Blue-Ridge Mountains where the Draft-board will never find us – Nor will anyone else (I hope).  Such a mood!!  Do ya recon I’m “tetched?”  Could be!!

Anyway, before I say G’Nite, I hope you get the general idea that I’m thinkin’ of ya right powerful, & lovin’ ya Oh so much!! Move over, Pete. G’nite — Slug.

Cherries & Caviar!!

23 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 23, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 9th“]        Free
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Louis U. Merz, 2nd. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 26 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

‘Lo Darlin’:-

Remember me??  Long time no see, no write, no hear!!  Have been a little busy for the last cuple of days “Operatin'” & it does feel good to get back & relax a bit.

This perpetual fog & rain keeps hanging on, & honey – it goes right thru your bones – It’s so wet you could add malt & hops & drink it for beer, I’m sure!! Looks like we’ll have to do without that white Xmas again this year if we stay here — Speaking of Xmas – Santa has hit here in full force today – the place has taken on the aspect of a department store — Everything from sweaters like the one your mom made for me, to Holden’s “Notions Dept” — He even has Maraschino Cherries & Caviar!! All of which reminds me that my prized possession these days is that sweater, & I do mean that – I practically wear it to bed of late!!  Bite your mom on the ear for me, huh!! [Text inverted]: How are my Pups doing??  Keeping warm??

We’re about to mix up a batch of “Cool-Ade,” fresh out of Holden’s Xmas box – Imagine – in this weather!! — It’s cold, & there’s only one place I can get warm — in Bed!!  Comin’ along??  Goodie for me??  Ya better had, ’cause you’re my love – JR

Jr. went next door to dance

18 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 18, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Nov. 30th“]        Free
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Edward J. Gibson, 1st. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 23 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

‘Lo Pete:-

I’m at peace with the world & feeling no pain — two letters today, also found a phonograph at the “Y” & we all gathered ’round for your “Merry Xmas” – there hasn’t been so much excitement here since the Blitz of  ’40. [Ed. Changed from print to script… not Danny’s handwriting] If only you you were here for just five minutes & listen to the mail-man’s song, but no kidding Ethel I wish we were back in the States your blue eye Supply Sgt. Pappy. [Ed. Back to Danny’s print] (That’s Pappy saying hello) — [Text inverted] Stil Cold!! BRRR!!! [Normal text follows]  

We have a screwball here who plays a banjo & thinks up silly songs, razzing “Myrt” the mail-man’ & it’s a scream.  Right now the whole gang is in stiches & Myrt’s as hot as a firecracker.–

While down at the “Y” last night a gang of R.A.F. gals came in – So-o Jr. went next door to dance – First time I danced since we last kicked it around – I don’t know, but I imagine they live a helluva life — Makes me think “How nice that you’re home where you belong!  More about that next time.  Which won’t be for a rew days, as we have things to do – In the meantime..  My love – JR.

Somehow I can’t Imagine Pinkie wearing bars.

17 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 17, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 7th“]        Free
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Edward J. Gibson, 1st. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 19 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 


Just in from a rough one & a bum deal at mail-call – I don’t know the words, but there’s a Hill-Billy tune that goes “No Letter Today!! [musical notes drawn]” & it’s mighty fitt’n & proper today.  If this keeps up it’s gonna create one of those International Situations you always hear about.

Yesterday I started to tell you about our boy Pinkie being in Ireland – He can’t tell us just where, nor can we tell him where we’re located (via mails) so we’re gonna see if we can’t get him to come down to London one week-end on one of his many leaves & at which time we could easily run down & see him.  Capt. Trenner knows him, & would no doubt be glad to see him, too.  Somehow I can’t Imagine Pinkie wearing bars.

It’s been cold as hell all day, every thing frozen over light, & I’ve spent the whole blessed day thinking of warmer things, such as you, buttons, 4734, the Southmoor, tile baths, showers, etc.  Only one so foolish as me could think such things in such a dismal setting – One thought I’m always thinking, & it’s not at all foolish – I’m lovin ya – & that’s serious.  ‘Bye for now – JR.

Kate has a camera & film on the way

16 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 16, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 7th“]        Free
No  [none]

PASSED BY 01553 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Edward J. Gibson, 1st. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 18 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

Hello Punkin’:-

I’m not the only one singin’ the blues today – there were three letters delivered to the outfit today – might slim pickins’, I’d say – Anyway, I’ll get two tomorrow, so there!!

We’ve been freezin’ our nertz the last couple of days, snow ‘n everything – Maybe we’ll have that White Xmas after all.  White or not, I hate to even think of it.  I’m in the gotchies for the winter, & am won’dring whose gonna cut them off me along about next June or thereabouts.

Haven’t had time to find that phonograph as yet – in fact, today I had a bowel movement that I should have had three days ago (I think.) [Text inverted]: Gonna have a shave “On you!!”

DePaul volunteers the news that Kate has a camera & film on the way – If it eve gets here maybe you’ll get a glimpse of your boy in Merrie England – I’ve my fingers crossed.  O!  I almost forgot – Pinkie writes that he’s in Ireland – We’re gonna try to get together in London if possible – Wow!! Tho’ it’s not at all time, it’s the place on paper, so here’s good nite for now & for you – my love.  Slug.

Such swell gadgets!!

15 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
PETE V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                          11-18-43                  [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 7th“]        Free
No  [Neither one is numbered!!]
[Ed: One letter again covering two separate V-Mails]

PASSED BY 01551 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Edward J. Gibson, 1st. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 19 1943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

My Darlin’:-

Such treatment as I’ve been gettin’ from you of late has me in a stupor, & I have no idea as to how to start this one.  The mail is flowing like Wind & today’s parcel blew my top clear into Ireland.  Such swell gadgets!!  I’m almost afraid you’ll get tired of these humble efforts at saying “thanx” over & over again.  ‘Specially when I’m so confident that I could do such a super job were it Dog-patch style.  Gosh, Baby – you’re in for an awful goin’ over one of these days!

Haven’t had a chance to see wot gives in the record as yet, but I know where I can find a phonograph as for the rest of the package – Haw!! Had to fight off the whole barracks in order to get it open.  That flash-light gadget has ’em all green-eyed – Razor-Blades!!  Hm-m — Honey, they’re gold!!  Every shave will be for just you – just as they always are, so there!!

I don’t think I ever got such a kick out of one of your letters as the one of Oct 21., about our button, Corbie Davis, [Ed: a professional football player from Lowell, Indiana] the “uplift” etc.  I’ve read it over & over again & got more buzz out of it every tie.  Sounds like a mixture of Walter Winchell, Damon Runyon, Eleanor Roosevelt, & best of all, you!  Wot a letter – Give some more, huh??  Before I start another page I’ll say I love ya & hope you read this one first !!


———————–[Second V-mail]————————————

Hello Again!!-  #2

I’m feelin’ awfully conversationy tonite & am all wound up like a kid on Xmas Eve – I’m hopin that you & the Censor’ll bear with me for another.

Got a particular bang out of your visit with Win & Pauline – sounds homey as hell – ‘specially the “Freedom of Expression” deal.  If only the Major & I could sit in on that!!  I’m wonderin’ just what it was you took on yourself to censor – Could it be that I’ve done gone & compromised myself?  I betcha!  Am also wondering what Johnnie censored from you in my letter. The louse!!  I think he likes that embarrassed look you get when he give you “the business.”  As for that “‘Nite Pidge” – You can tell him for me that its strictly hands off – I’ll take charge of you, Pronto, when this mess is all over, & I guarantee we’ll get caught up quick-like & keep a vestibule for nothing bu sentimental reasons only!! [Text inverted]:  B-r-r-r- Cold here, too!!

I’m running out of paper & the boys are coming in from the bubs 0 that all adds up to a lot of noise, crap-games, etc., So now I have to try to think up a new way to say ‘G’nite’ as in the days of yore, & as I know it can’t be done, I’m not even gonna try – think I’ll just have the dream I’m thinkin’ of, & say G’nite – Stay Mine – JR.

My Red-head counterpart

13 Nov
3811299 Sgt. D. R. BYRNE 
Co. B 327th GLIDER INF.
A.P.O 472 %  Postmaster
New York City
Ethel V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                    Nov. 13, ’43                   [Note on back in Vic’s hand: “Dec. 3”]        Free
No  5381

PASSED BY 01553 ARMY EXAMINER  [signed] Edward J. Gibson, 1st. Lt. Inf.

[Date Stamp: ] Nov 151943

Reproduced from microfilm: V-MAIL 

Hello Punkin’:-

Today’s two Communiqués – one in blue “the gal with the One Buttoners” & one V-mail of Nov. third – two extremes – In one she feels good, the other was a gory thing about a visit to Doc. Warber.  Poor little kid, feelin’ better by now??  I hope!!

I take it from some “feeler” remarks, that my favorite button is on the way – goodie, again!!  Now if I just had one of those roses??  I know it ain’t possible, but it’s fun thinking about it, anyway.  Same as it’s fun thinking of you’se guys coming over – Wow!! No, baby – We’d steer plenty clear of the “Y”.

Your news of Carl is swell, & I do hope he makes it home, as I can well imagine just how he feels – No doubt he has good reason to think he’s coming home, or he wouldn’t say so.  My best for him.

Have been wond’ring what the deal is on “this is the Army” – I don’t get it at all, however I’ve been accused of being “Murphyish” before.  As for my Red-head counterpart, he must be a Champ & I can well imagine what the picture is like – Does he grunt??  — It’s Saturday, & I’m gonna have a bunch of Scotch – every one of ’em, to just you!  In the meantime g’nite, Pete – I’m lovin’ ya loads & CHEERIO!! JR.