Got back from S. Carolina to the greatest stack of mail

30 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                                       June 2, 1943                                              Free

Printed on  Fort Brag stationary       

Sunday 3 P.M.[May 30]

Dearest Darlin:-

Right now I wouldn’t trade me in on anyone!  I’ve got you & I’m sailin’ at about ten thousand feet up – motors running easy & owning the whole world.  Ya know why?  – Got back from S. Carolina to the greatest stack of mail I ever saw – Baby, you’re one of those things that make it all worth while. – And such swell letters, too!  Gosh, how I do wish I could save ’em & keep readin’ ’em over & over! – the “Digest” will be on the schedule for tonite’s reading, thanx to a certain Swede – Wish your nose were right in it next to mine, tho’ I don’t think we’d ever get any reading done.  It’s great to know that when I get back to camp I’ve got you waiting for me, even if it’s a smack on paper!


Collonade Room, Edgewater Beach Hotel. Non-commercial use permitted by source.

Sounds like you had a large week-end at the Edgewater – Goodie for you, & I’m sure that your Sailor boy friend wishes you were his ‘stead of mine – Haw!  He can’t have ya!! — ’tis a comforting tho’t to know that you’re having fun – Working with Sylvia Wilson & meeting the Ward’s at Woodmar makes me feel as tho’ I wre with ya every minute.  You can bet that you were with me!!

Our deal in S. Carolina was the closest thing we’ve seen yet to the real thing – Some Stuff!!

———[Ed: No more pages in this envelope, and no signature on this page.  Makes me think the rest of the letter is lost or misplaced…]——–

———[other side of single page]————

Runin a fevah

Here’s to  you ‘n I – Before very long – if ever I get a hold

????of you again I ain’t gonna let go –  You’ll have to marry me then to keep people fro talkin’!!

Baby, I’m runnin a fevah!

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