Funny how one letter raised me up to the clouds, body & soul

20 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
Ethel V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                                       May 20, 1943                                              Free

Printed in green ink on  Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base stationary                   

Wed – May 19 – ’43  7:30 P.M.

Hy Baby: –

I got a letter today [two drawn musical notes] –Don’t think I’ll hang myself after all.  – One nice thing about being so “low ” is getting out and “in” again!  You can bet I nearly lost my mind on the “no mail” situation.  Funny how one letter raised me right up to the clouds, body & soul!  I know damn well that you were doing it on purpose, & ’twas might uncomfortable here for a week or so.  Tried to write you last nite but ’twas just no go, so I finally gave it up as a bad job & went to a movie at the Post theatre. –  Lousy!!

Had a soft day today – Goldbricked all day while waiting to see about saving some money – they have a plan whereby I get 20% + for overseas duty & they are after me to save it.  The story goes that we can’t spend much money overseas anyway, so they want to send it home for me – Not a bad idea, only I can’t think of the new name of the First Trust Bank.  Think I’ll have Cousin George Gilchrist keep about $25 Per mo. in his bank for me. [ed: Base pay for Staff Sargent in 1943 was about $94/month (ref).]

Thing are going along about the same – lots of flying, & rumors galore.   We’re going to fly the biggest problem ever flown next week, and the whole division is restricted to the base so noting leaks out about it.  We’re using four airports for the take-off.  Pope Field, Lumberton, McCall & Maxton – I tho’t we’d leave from here, but now it looks like we go from Pope Field – Who knows!

I told you that we flew with Jackie Coogan last week — You’re right, he was married here at the base Chapel Saturday to some washed-out looking stage star – [ed: that marriage not among those listed by Wikipedia!] don’t know who she is – Neither of them are getting any bargain, if you ask me.  He is instructing glider pilots & learning to fly a G47 these days – Not a bad guy to talk to – By the way, Pet – your little boy & his squad got a citation from the colonel for our forced landing of last week – it’s on display at the Battalion H.Q.  – “Big Stuff!”  We’re all popping our buttons off  the shirts!!  I’d steal it, but the Company Commander wants to keep it with “B” Co.  Nuts!!

There’s no more news- sounds like you  had an interesting evening at your party in the theatre, goodie for your!  And while I think of it, Just who is your “peeping Tom” boy friend?  Sounds like a lively evening – Are you sure you were dressed?  Even if you were fully dressed, one look at you was worth his trouble, & I don’t blame ’em – Do you know the boy?

Still hottter’n hell down here, but it does cool off at nite, which makes for good sleeping – A good thing ’cause therre’s a good chance we’ll do all our sleeping outside starting next week, on thru maneuvers, which may (steady, now- don’t get mad) cramp the style so far as letter-writing goes, looks like life is goint to beoone bivouac after another, starting real quick-like- Nothing definite, however.

Have been wond’reing if you were over to Johnie’s when Mel was there – [ed: Melvin Campbell, Johnie’s brother-in-law] – no doubt a big time – I can’t imagine where he got the idea that we moved out unless it was to Maxton – However, I did tell him about the 82nd ging overseas, maybe he got it confused —

Three pages practically gone by & I ain’t said “I luv ya” – Mnnn.  After our recent “set-to” I only realize it all the more – Please honey, I imagine there’ll be a lot of days in the near-future that you’ll get mno mail – Don’t put me in the Kennel again, Juj?  It’s AWFUL!!!

Have a couple of notes to write my family, so g’nite – & GEE, but it’s good to be “in” again!

I love ‘ya, in hoops, like gold!



I’m so anxious for you to get this, & no stamps for “Air mail”  Dammit!


By the way — Wot about our pups?  You ain’t keepin’ me posted, lately.

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