you’re giving me a lot of misplaced rationing on this letter deal.

12 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
CO. Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
Ethyl Victoria Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                      May 12, 1943                                Free

Printed on  cartoon letterhead 

[Ed: First use of Ethyl Victoria!]

Sunday [5/16] 8:30 Pêêëm

My Darlin’:-

I don’t know just how to start this – I’m a little provoked at either you or me. – I don’t know which.  Somehow or other I can’t help but think that you’re giving me a lot of misplaced rationing on this letter deal. – I’m hopin’ that means there’s been a holdup of the mail at Bragg.  Enof of that! ———-maybe I’m just Low!

Have been busy as a cat on a tin roof – Attended Flame thrower School at Bragg Friday & Saturday, while the rest of the outfit was flying a problem in S. Carolina – I told you of our Crash in S. Carolina last week – So many ships in the air at once that it was just one big slipstream – thus our surprise landing – We were one of eleven ships lost that day – 4 in our Battalion & 7 in the second Battalion – Some fun.

Kate DePaul is here – I saw them for a couple of hours last nite in Laurinburg – Had to get back & till out next weeks flight forms – We’re doing more flying next week – Back to Brag Sat. for a couple of days then back here for a couple of days to put on the biggest Airborne Show ever put on – it’s for Gen. Arnold, head of the U.S. Air Force — So many ships in the problem we’re using four fields – Wow!! Wot a crowd.  We’ve had two crash landings in “B” Company so far – And JR. has the distinction of being Commander of the first one to crash.  The other one hit a P-40 wile landing here at the airport yesterday —

Here’s news — When we go on the Tennessee maneuvers (Address the same ‘cept % P. Master, Nashville, Tenn) Part of the Division will take off on one Phase of the maneuver from Bowman Field, Louisville, Ky. – Hope it’s us.  You see, the fleet of ‘planes is so big that we have to use from four to six fields, depending on the size of the field. ———

It’s still hot as hell here, [ed: switched from pencil to pen] (the man came after his pencil) I’ve a beautiful sunburn (& the nose is cooked “well done”) & one’s clothes are just a mess all the time —- Hope you’re getting some of this summer weather – you’d love it -I sure do.  Had quite a talk with Kate last nite —- if we can possibly get settled in one place long enough, she says she’d be only too happy to get together with you on that trip down here — Right now I’m wond’ring if you’re ever going to write again – let alone go to the bother of a visit — How’s about a note of some kind & let me in on just wotinell’s gives?   Seems like I’m gonna have to start writing to myself, if I expect to get any mail.

Right now I’ve worked myself into one helluva mood — so I think I’ll make a trip to the P.X. One thing sure – I’m gonna keep on lovin’ ya – Don’t tell me not to – Pleeze!!

G’nite for now – if I don’t here sump’m soon, I’ll surely blow my Top!!


And JR. does love ya – turribly!!

———[at side]———-

Hy Baby ——- You’re being awful mean to  me!

———[at top, around cartoon]————

That’s Us –  Does he look like me?

New Regimental insignia submitted by one of our boys – like it???

If I don’t get a letter soon I’ll cry!! Honest!!!

Pucker up & gimme a big smooch – Huh??  Pleeze??

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