Wot in ‘ell did I do to deserve all this?

11 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
CO. Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
E.V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                      May 12, 1943                                Free

Printed on  lined paper

Tues. nite [5/11] 7:30

Hello Punkin:-

The chorus to my song has changed again, too – I know just how you felt this past week, & s’pose I’m in the dog-house but good-  Anyway, I didn’t get a letter again today!  I’m beginning to think you’re neglectin’ me on purpose. –

Camp Forrest is most famed for having served as POW camp for German and Italian Prisoners. Maj. Gen. George Patton brought his 2nd Armored Division from Fort Benning, Georgia for maneuvers.

Today was another hot one, so far as weather goes, we made a short flight this Ayem in the rain, – warm rain it was, too & came back to an afternoon of classes in Aircraft Identification.  A soft day, & a good thing, too, as this heat, much as I’m ‘ it, is no good for much hard work.  The word is that we fly every day we’re down here, * I do believe they mean it, too!!  We’ve been getting the dope on our maneuvers for next month, & it sounds as tho’ we’ll have a busy time of it.  We’ll be somewhere between Camp Forrest, Nashville & Chattanooga.  Don’t know if we’ll be able to keep our date up there or not, as we’re going to move from one place to another by air, & I doubt if we’ll know where we’ll be at any given time.  Will be knowing more definitely in a couple of days, & you know I’ll pass it on to you right-quick-like —  I’m on “C.Q.” tonite & happy about the whole thing – Lee had to go on guard & is bitchin’ all over the place – He’s none to happy these days, & I suspect it’s over a certain promotion, tho’ I hope not – As for the stripes, sure I’m proud of ’em, but gosh they were a lot of work, & promise to be a helluva lot more work.  Soon as I can get some extras, I’ll send ya a aet —  For our bed-room.

While I think of it – remember you mentioned about my surprise visit surprising the pants off you.  I guess maybe that remark didn’t “set” just rite.  Sorry, honey – I didn’t mean to make ya mad – You said you’d make the R.P.’s Red, White, & Blue, & the colors never come down – Right?  The R.W. & B. P.s meant just that – “Red, White, & Blue P’s. ‘stead of my favorite R. P.’s!  Seems that I’m always getting into a jam with your lately.  Please baby – be a good lil guy & fo’give me, huh??

You ask if I like it here – Yup, Darlin – I do like it here.  The Base is swell, but no place to go outside of camp – However, going out is of no interest to me just now anyway, so I’m happy here.  Enclosed is your Poem marked “File” [ed: not in envelope].  – Please to put it away for future reference – It gave an awful kick and made me feel good all over – the letter of your speaks for itself.  As for Kate coming down – they didn’t come, as the move away from camp threw a wrench into their plans —

This is all for now, I’ve a lot of letters to answer, then fill out some more flight forms – I love ya – “Skads” even tho’ I didn’t write you last week – More tomorrow Slug.

——————-[Back over on front of letter, upside down] —————-

Had I got paid Monday ‘stead of Tuesday, I could have caught a ‘plane Tuesday Ayem & been home Tuesday Eve.  As it was, ’twas too late


Think I’ll buy some bonds so we can settle down next year & live on the Interest!!  I’m a capitalist, now ya know!!

————[Separate sheet, part of an undated letter, on light-weight stationary, mostly in E. V. Frisk’s – aka Aunt Vic’s – hand with comment by Danny]————

…the solo business of the masculine gender of any household.  That’s the sacrfice made in the “for better or for worse” clause.  On furlough #1 there was the Tuesday night at Art Kennedy’s.  Furlough #2 – Saturday night at Droop’s and the following Thursday nite with Bennett – God and Danny only knows where!  You needn’t get fussed, Pet, I shouldn’t remember these – but I certainly do when I think of seeing Pete last night – Paul Probst at Whitey’s (Remember?) damnit – I don’t want any part of deals such as those.

Oh – pooh – we have time when the war’s over to fight that one out!  Guess I’ll wind this one up and rush down to the P.O. and come back and get a nice letter off to my little boy in answer to the luscious (sp?) one I received today.

By for now, Honey – and I love ya.


————–[…in Danny’s hand….]———————–

wot in ‘ell did I do to deserve all this?

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