I DID manage to get the new stipes (DAMMMM) sewed on today

1 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
CO. Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
E.V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                      May 3, 1943                                Free

Typewritten on  rectangular,  unlined paper

[Note:  Return address now “Sgt.” not “Cpl.”  No earlier comment about promotion.  Missing letters or information shared in telephone conversations?]

It’s Saturday nite [5/1] 10:50 P.M.

Hello Punkin;

I didn’nt get a letter today, so will get on it soon and pretend that it’s a letter from you.  Ain’t I the old conniver tho’?

Had a note fromBro. John today, and just finished pecking off an answer to it.  Sounds as tho the folks at home are well and happy, all of which makes me the same.  Have been writing to the gang at the plant and numerous other people for the past two hours, getting re-acquainted with a lot of folks I didn’t ever think I’d write to.  However, time is draggy, and it helps while away the hours.  Had a long nite last nite, so on getting thru at 11:00 P.M. today, went to bed and slept ’til 6:30, then to work. HMMMM- No movie tonite.

The Laurinburg-Maxton Airbase was the largest Waco CG-4A Glider Pilot training base in the world. It was closed on 30 October 1945.

The Prison Office just left here, and we had a talk– He sure is pulling for my expedition home,  The guy is a Paratroop officer and says he’ll pull all the strings he can for the pass, and also get me on the ‘plane.  By the time you get this, I’ll be on my way home, if the thing works out my way.  One thing for certain, I’ve got to be back here in time to leave for Maxton Sunday, the 9th.  The pass is a cinch, but I don’t know if I can get it for long enough to come home unless I fly both ways.  It’s still fun to think about it, regardless.  NOTHING is ever sure in this Army.

There’s now news to speak of– I DID manage to get the new stipes (DAMMM) sewed on today.  Every time I move, they hit me right in the eye; I almost feel as tho’ I’m wearing a set of neon lights.  Do ya s’pose I could be getting self-conscious this late in the game?  Just can’t get used to the new title no=ways.  Corporal B.  AHHH, those were the days.

Am working tonite, Sunday and Monday, and Tuesday is payday.  Am going to have the pass start Tuesday or Wednesday and we shall see what we shall see.  I’m almost to the point where I’m gonna be disappointed myself if I don’t get home.  The very thing I told you not to do.  Sometimes I’m not very consistent, am I, baby?   I’d almost go to church again tomorrow if I could get away.  Then I would be a REAL HYPOCRITE.  SUCH thot’s.%$#

I ain’t said I love you yet, have I, Honey?  HMMMM.  Old age is taking it’s toll.  Cuddle up HERE a bit — THAT’s it.  A little closer, HUH?  Now PUCKER up—- HOLD IT%$# SWELL

Gosh pet, I’m all out of breath from that one.  Let’s do it again, HUH?  GOODIE

G’nite Darlin’, we’ll have another date tomorrow, so ’til then, GAWSH, I’m thinkin’ of ya mighty powerful.


P/S/  The Admiral is due in at midnite– hope he makes it.  I’d hate to have to look at him thru this fence out here.

P.P.S.  I love you again.  PUPS, P.T.’s PERKY nose and all.

P.P.P.S.  Did ART get home O.K.?  You didn’t mention it in your last letter.


A contemporary poster advertising a “Bently” hotel in New Orleans. Vic had visited Danny in Louisiana in 19 hi42.

[Hand-written on back, over edge on to top of first page]

And another thing – You kept kicking me in your sleep last nite– Is that any way for a bride to treat her brand new

Gosh, baby – wot a fream!  Seems like I dreamed that we were honeymooning at the Bently, last nite. husband?


And baby — our Roses are fading!! Are you using sump’m stronger than Lux?

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