Archive | May, 1943

Got back from S. Carolina to the greatest stack of mail

30 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                                       June 2, 1943                                              Free

Printed on  Fort Brag stationary       

Sunday 3 P.M.[May 30]

Dearest Darlin:-

Right now I wouldn’t trade me in on anyone!  I’ve got you & I’m sailin’ at about ten thousand feet up – motors running easy & owning the whole world.  Ya know why?  – Got back from S. Carolina to the greatest stack of mail I ever saw – Baby, you’re one of those things that make it all worth while. – And such swell letters, too!  Gosh, how I do wish I could save ’em & keep readin’ ’em over & over! – the “Digest” will be on the schedule for tonite’s reading, thanx to a certain Swede – Wish your nose were right in it next to mine, tho’ I don’t think we’d ever get any reading done.  It’s great to know that when I get back to camp I’ve got you waiting for me, even if it’s a smack on paper!


Collonade Room, Edgewater Beach Hotel. Non-commercial use permitted by source.

Sounds like you had a large week-end at the Edgewater – Goodie for you, & I’m sure that your Sailor boy friend wishes you were his ‘stead of mine – Haw!  He can’t have ya!! — ’tis a comforting tho’t to know that you’re having fun – Working with Sylvia Wilson & meeting the Ward’s at Woodmar makes me feel as tho’ I wre with ya every minute.  You can bet that you were with me!!

Our deal in S. Carolina was the closest thing we’ve seen yet to the real thing – Some Stuff!!

———[Ed: No more pages in this envelope, and no signature on this page.  Makes me think the rest of the letter is lost or misplaced…]——–

———[other side of single page]————

Runin a fevah

Here’s to  you ‘n I – Before very long – if ever I get a hold

????of you again I ain’t gonna let go –  You’ll have to marry me then to keep people fro talkin’!!

Baby, I’m runnin a fevah!

Funny how one letter raised me up to the clouds, body & soul

20 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
Ethel V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                                       May 20, 1943                                              Free

Printed in green ink on  Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base stationary                   

Wed – May 19 – ’43  7:30 P.M.

Hy Baby: –

I got a letter today [two drawn musical notes] –Don’t think I’ll hang myself after all.  – One nice thing about being so “low ” is getting out and “in” again!  You can bet I nearly lost my mind on the “no mail” situation.  Funny how one letter raised me right up to the clouds, body & soul!  I know damn well that you were doing it on purpose, & ’twas might uncomfortable here for a week or so.  Tried to write you last nite but ’twas just no go, so I finally gave it up as a bad job & went to a movie at the Post theatre. –  Lousy!!

Had a soft day today – Goldbricked all day while waiting to see about saving some money – they have a plan whereby I get 20% + for overseas duty & they are after me to save it.  The story goes that we can’t spend much money overseas anyway, so they want to send it home for me – Not a bad idea, only I can’t think of the new name of the First Trust Bank.  Think I’ll have Cousin George Gilchrist keep about $25 Per mo. in his bank for me. [ed: Base pay for Staff Sargent in 1943 was about $94/month (ref).]

Thing are going along about the same – lots of flying, & rumors galore.   We’re going to fly the biggest problem ever flown next week, and the whole division is restricted to the base so noting leaks out about it.  We’re using four airports for the take-off.  Pope Field, Lumberton, McCall & Maxton – I tho’t we’d leave from here, but now it looks like we go from Pope Field – Who knows!

I told you that we flew with Jackie Coogan last week — You’re right, he was married here at the base Chapel Saturday to some washed-out looking stage star – [ed: that marriage not among those listed by Wikipedia!] don’t know who she is – Neither of them are getting any bargain, if you ask me.  He is instructing glider pilots & learning to fly a G47 these days – Not a bad guy to talk to – By the way, Pet – your little boy & his squad got a citation from the colonel for our forced landing of last week – it’s on display at the Battalion H.Q.  – “Big Stuff!”  We’re all popping our buttons off  the shirts!!  I’d steal it, but the Company Commander wants to keep it with “B” Co.  Nuts!!

There’s no more news- sounds like you  had an interesting evening at your party in the theatre, goodie for your!  And while I think of it, Just who is your “peeping Tom” boy friend?  Sounds like a lively evening – Are you sure you were dressed?  Even if you were fully dressed, one look at you was worth his trouble, & I don’t blame ’em – Do you know the boy?

Still hottter’n hell down here, but it does cool off at nite, which makes for good sleeping – A good thing ’cause therre’s a good chance we’ll do all our sleeping outside starting next week, on thru maneuvers, which may (steady, now- don’t get mad) cramp the style so far as letter-writing goes, looks like life is goint to beoone bivouac after another, starting real quick-like- Nothing definite, however.

Have been wond’reing if you were over to Johnie’s when Mel was there – [ed: Melvin Campbell, Johnie’s brother-in-law] – no doubt a big time – I can’t imagine where he got the idea that we moved out unless it was to Maxton – However, I did tell him about the 82nd ging overseas, maybe he got it confused —

Three pages practically gone by & I ain’t said “I luv ya” – Mnnn.  After our recent “set-to” I only realize it all the more – Please honey, I imagine there’ll be a lot of days in the near-future that you’ll get mno mail – Don’t put me in the Kennel again, Juj?  It’s AWFUL!!!

Have a couple of notes to write my family, so g’nite – & GEE, but it’s good to be “in” again!

I love ‘ya, in hoops, like gold!



I’m so anxious for you to get this, & no stamps for “Air mail”  Dammit!


By the way — Wot about our pups?  You ain’t keepin’ me posted, lately.

give ’em a demonstration of flame-throwers

20 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
E. V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                                       May 21, 1943                                              Free

Printed on  Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base stationary       

Thursday [May 20] – 10:30 Ayem

‘Lo Punkin:-

I’m on Regimental guard today, it’s been raining cats & dogs for about 15 minutes & right now the sun is out again & hot & sultry as hell – the flies pack a bite like a bull-dog & everything is sticky – But good!

The boys of “B” company are out in a field about a mile away from here learning to set off mines & “booby traps” – Every time one goes off it shakes hell out of the whole building.  I have to go over at 11 o’clock & give ’em a demonstration of flame-throwers.  I think I told you I went to Bragg last week to do a bit of “Larnin” on the subject – I have to demonstrate it for the whole regiment & in such weather!  Hot stuff!!

There’s a Jeep coming across the field now, & the dust is flying – Old Sol is really drying up the ground in a hurry & I can see dust flying over at the hangers while a squadron of P-40’s are taking off – there must be 20 of ’em in the air now, & still they come – Flying around like angry hornets circling & diving wile getting into formation – How I’d love to fly one of ’em!!

Just re-read your letter of last nite & I see you’re going to work this summer to keep from getting fat — Watta yuh mean, get fat?  Baby – ‘twould be all the more for me to love, & besides, I wonder how you would look, were you on the “Porky” side!  I’m happy to know that you’ve a job for the summer, still – It’s disappointing to see my chances of seeing you go slipping away – Frankly I don’t know what to say about it, ’cause it’s a cinch that none of us know where we’ll be at any given time.  From present indications the sky is gonna be our roof & the swamps or fields our bed – I dunno what to say right now. – Looks like a lot of moving around & nothing would surprise me in the least.

This morning our advance party left for Tennessee & the maneuvers are fast shaping up into a reality – Some fun –

I’m going to mail your latest “Yank” just as soon as I can beg, borrow or steal a stamp – We can’t buy ’em here, so I’m not gonna guarantee a thing.

My relief just came in & I’ve gotta get things set up for the flame thrower deal, so [over] it’s g’bye again & just plain old fashioneé Love from me to you ————



TTTT’s for you from me, too!!

you’re giving me a lot of misplaced rationing on this letter deal.

12 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
CO. Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
Ethyl Victoria Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                      May 12, 1943                                Free

Printed on  cartoon letterhead 

[Ed: First use of Ethyl Victoria!]

Sunday [5/16] 8:30 Pêêëm

My Darlin’:-

I don’t know just how to start this – I’m a little provoked at either you or me. – I don’t know which.  Somehow or other I can’t help but think that you’re giving me a lot of misplaced rationing on this letter deal. – I’m hopin’ that means there’s been a holdup of the mail at Bragg.  Enof of that! ———-maybe I’m just Low!

Have been busy as a cat on a tin roof – Attended Flame thrower School at Bragg Friday & Saturday, while the rest of the outfit was flying a problem in S. Carolina – I told you of our Crash in S. Carolina last week – So many ships in the air at once that it was just one big slipstream – thus our surprise landing – We were one of eleven ships lost that day – 4 in our Battalion & 7 in the second Battalion – Some fun.

Kate DePaul is here – I saw them for a couple of hours last nite in Laurinburg – Had to get back & till out next weeks flight forms – We’re doing more flying next week – Back to Brag Sat. for a couple of days then back here for a couple of days to put on the biggest Airborne Show ever put on – it’s for Gen. Arnold, head of the U.S. Air Force — So many ships in the problem we’re using four fields – Wow!! Wot a crowd.  We’ve had two crash landings in “B” Company so far – And JR. has the distinction of being Commander of the first one to crash.  The other one hit a P-40 wile landing here at the airport yesterday —

Here’s news — When we go on the Tennessee maneuvers (Address the same ‘cept % P. Master, Nashville, Tenn) Part of the Division will take off on one Phase of the maneuver from Bowman Field, Louisville, Ky. – Hope it’s us.  You see, the fleet of ‘planes is so big that we have to use from four to six fields, depending on the size of the field. ———

It’s still hot as hell here, [ed: switched from pencil to pen] (the man came after his pencil) I’ve a beautiful sunburn (& the nose is cooked “well done”) & one’s clothes are just a mess all the time —- Hope you’re getting some of this summer weather – you’d love it -I sure do.  Had quite a talk with Kate last nite —- if we can possibly get settled in one place long enough, she says she’d be only too happy to get together with you on that trip down here — Right now I’m wond’ring if you’re ever going to write again – let alone go to the bother of a visit — How’s about a note of some kind & let me in on just wotinell’s gives?   Seems like I’m gonna have to start writing to myself, if I expect to get any mail.

Right now I’ve worked myself into one helluva mood — so I think I’ll make a trip to the P.X. One thing sure – I’m gonna keep on lovin’ ya – Don’t tell me not to – Pleeze!!

G’nite for now – if I don’t here sump’m soon, I’ll surely blow my Top!!


And JR. does love ya – turribly!!

———[at side]———-

Hy Baby ——- You’re being awful mean to  me!

———[at top, around cartoon]————

That’s Us –  Does he look like me?

New Regimental insignia submitted by one of our boys – like it???

If I don’t get a letter soon I’ll cry!! Honest!!!

Pucker up & gimme a big smooch – Huh??  Pleeze??

Wot in ‘ell did I do to deserve all this?

11 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
CO. Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
E.V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                      May 12, 1943                                Free

Printed on  lined paper

Tues. nite [5/11] 7:30

Hello Punkin:-

The chorus to my song has changed again, too – I know just how you felt this past week, & s’pose I’m in the dog-house but good-  Anyway, I didn’t get a letter again today!  I’m beginning to think you’re neglectin’ me on purpose. –

Camp Forrest is most famed for having served as POW camp for German and Italian Prisoners. Maj. Gen. George Patton brought his 2nd Armored Division from Fort Benning, Georgia for maneuvers.

Today was another hot one, so far as weather goes, we made a short flight this Ayem in the rain, – warm rain it was, too & came back to an afternoon of classes in Aircraft Identification.  A soft day, & a good thing, too, as this heat, much as I’m ‘ it, is no good for much hard work.  The word is that we fly every day we’re down here, * I do believe they mean it, too!!  We’ve been getting the dope on our maneuvers for next month, & it sounds as tho’ we’ll have a busy time of it.  We’ll be somewhere between Camp Forrest, Nashville & Chattanooga.  Don’t know if we’ll be able to keep our date up there or not, as we’re going to move from one place to another by air, & I doubt if we’ll know where we’ll be at any given time.  Will be knowing more definitely in a couple of days, & you know I’ll pass it on to you right-quick-like —  I’m on “C.Q.” tonite & happy about the whole thing – Lee had to go on guard & is bitchin’ all over the place – He’s none to happy these days, & I suspect it’s over a certain promotion, tho’ I hope not – As for the stripes, sure I’m proud of ’em, but gosh they were a lot of work, & promise to be a helluva lot more work.  Soon as I can get some extras, I’ll send ya a aet —  For our bed-room.

While I think of it – remember you mentioned about my surprise visit surprising the pants off you.  I guess maybe that remark didn’t “set” just rite.  Sorry, honey – I didn’t mean to make ya mad – You said you’d make the R.P.’s Red, White, & Blue, & the colors never come down – Right?  The R.W. & B. P.s meant just that – “Red, White, & Blue P’s. ‘stead of my favorite R. P.’s!  Seems that I’m always getting into a jam with your lately.  Please baby – be a good lil guy & fo’give me, huh??

You ask if I like it here – Yup, Darlin – I do like it here.  The Base is swell, but no place to go outside of camp – However, going out is of no interest to me just now anyway, so I’m happy here.  Enclosed is your Poem marked “File” [ed: not in envelope].  – Please to put it away for future reference – It gave an awful kick and made me feel good all over – the letter of your speaks for itself.  As for Kate coming down – they didn’t come, as the move away from camp threw a wrench into their plans —

This is all for now, I’ve a lot of letters to answer, then fill out some more flight forms – I love ya – “Skads” even tho’ I didn’t write you last week – More tomorrow Slug.

——————-[Back over on front of letter, upside down] —————-

Had I got paid Monday ‘stead of Tuesday, I could have caught a ‘plane Tuesday Ayem & been home Tuesday Eve.  As it was, ’twas too late


Think I’ll buy some bonds so we can settle down next year & live on the Interest!!  I’m a capitalist, now ya know!!

————[Separate sheet, part of an undated letter, on light-weight stationary, mostly in E. V. Frisk’s – aka Aunt Vic’s – hand with comment by Danny]————

…the solo business of the masculine gender of any household.  That’s the sacrfice made in the “for better or for worse” clause.  On furlough #1 there was the Tuesday night at Art Kennedy’s.  Furlough #2 – Saturday night at Droop’s and the following Thursday nite with Bennett – God and Danny only knows where!  You needn’t get fussed, Pet, I shouldn’t remember these – but I certainly do when I think of seeing Pete last night – Paul Probst at Whitey’s (Remember?) damnit – I don’t want any part of deals such as those.

Oh – pooh – we have time when the war’s over to fight that one out!  Guess I’ll wind this one up and rush down to the P.O. and come back and get a nice letter off to my little boy in answer to the luscious (sp?) one I received today.

By for now, Honey – and I love ya.


————–[…in Danny’s hand….]———————–

wot in ‘ell did I do to deserve all this?

Remember me?

10 May
A.P.O. 472
4737 TOWLE AVE.,
                                            AIR MAIL                                       May 11, 1943 – 2 3 cent stamps                                            AIR MAIL

Hand Printed on Fort Bragg illustrated stationry

Mon. Nite May ? ’43 (I think) [May 10]

Some letters are easier to read and transcribe than are others.

Hello Pete:-

Remember Me?  I Betcha I’m in the dog-house!  Haven’t had a chace to do anything – had my Pass, went up to the eastern Shore of Maryland with a boy whose home is up there on a farm – Just too busy to do any-thing I wanted to do in the way of writing and had no way of calling.  Did get a wire off to you on the way back from Washington Friday – but feel pretty terrible about the whole thing, from not seein you, to not getting home.  Dammit!!  I had some time off, but not quite time enough to get home.  Was invited to this boy’s home & Jumped at the chanve!

Had just enough time to get back & leave for here (you know where) & when we finally got straightened around last nite – no lites!!  Dammit!! No lites, no letters for you – A sad case, that’s me!!  Don’t be too mad, tat it takes forever to get straightened out-

Had a great time on the way down here, reading over a dozen letters, waiting for me when my holiday was over.  Yours, Johnies’, two nieces’ & a couple of boys from the plant – All that letter-writing while at the stockade really got results!

Tho’ I was plenty sick

cause I couldn’t make it home, I sure did do the next best thing.  The Eastern Shore of Chesapeake Bay is beautiful, and boating on it was a great treat.  The people I was visiting treated me like one of the family, – A beautiful, big farm, right on the Bay – a dock connected to the garage & of all things, a 0 ft. oyster boat!  We spent a lot of time keeping cool on the Bay, with “Rochester” the colored stooge popping oysters right out of the oyster peds into our laps – We had a big jar of sauce right with us, & gouged ourselves on raw oysters & got one hellofa sunburn – All in all ’twas great fun, you’d have loved it!

Up at 4:30 this ayem & into a flying problem – Flew all over the Carolinas again, & back at 2 Pēēėm!! Tomorrow we get to sleep late, & off again by ‘plane for I don’t know where – ‘Tis said that we fly every day we’re here – goodie!!  The weather’s perfect for it, & we’re all enjoying it loads.  ‘Tis hot as hell, & reminds me a lot of Louisiana – tho’ in weather only –

Tomorrow’s problem brings Gen. Lee & Staff for a look as we peel out of these crates as we hit the ground – I’ve a lot of flight sheets to make out each time we fly, (Sgt. – Damn!) so I’m gonna quit & give you a repetition of this tomorrow about time.

Tho my seeming lapse of memory regarding you may give you a case of the “Doubts,” Honest Pet – I love Ya!!   Jr.


P.S.  And honey – don’t forget – my address remains the same as last time we were down here – No Change –

P.P.S – Your “Yank” goes out with this –

P.P.P.S.  Did’t get a letter today – but did get the Times!!

Goodie, for me.

Again, I Love Ya!


I DID manage to get the new stipes (DAMMMM) sewed on today

1 May
Sgt. D. R. Byrne 3811299
CO. Co. B-387th  Glider Inf.
A.P.O. 472 
c/o Postmaster
Ft. Bragg, N.C.
E.V. Frisk
4737 Towle Ave,
Hammond, Indiana                                                      May 3, 1943                                Free

Typewritten on  rectangular,  unlined paper

[Note:  Return address now “Sgt.” not “Cpl.”  No earlier comment about promotion.  Missing letters or information shared in telephone conversations?]

It’s Saturday nite [5/1] 10:50 P.M.

Hello Punkin;

I didn’nt get a letter today, so will get on it soon and pretend that it’s a letter from you.  Ain’t I the old conniver tho’?

Had a note fromBro. John today, and just finished pecking off an answer to it.  Sounds as tho the folks at home are well and happy, all of which makes me the same.  Have been writing to the gang at the plant and numerous other people for the past two hours, getting re-acquainted with a lot of folks I didn’t ever think I’d write to.  However, time is draggy, and it helps while away the hours.  Had a long nite last nite, so on getting thru at 11:00 P.M. today, went to bed and slept ’til 6:30, then to work. HMMMM- No movie tonite.

The Laurinburg-Maxton Airbase was the largest Waco CG-4A Glider Pilot training base in the world. It was closed on 30 October 1945.

The Prison Office just left here, and we had a talk– He sure is pulling for my expedition home,  The guy is a Paratroop officer and says he’ll pull all the strings he can for the pass, and also get me on the ‘plane.  By the time you get this, I’ll be on my way home, if the thing works out my way.  One thing for certain, I’ve got to be back here in time to leave for Maxton Sunday, the 9th.  The pass is a cinch, but I don’t know if I can get it for long enough to come home unless I fly both ways.  It’s still fun to think about it, regardless.  NOTHING is ever sure in this Army.

There’s now news to speak of– I DID manage to get the new stipes (DAMMM) sewed on today.  Every time I move, they hit me right in the eye; I almost feel as tho’ I’m wearing a set of neon lights.  Do ya s’pose I could be getting self-conscious this late in the game?  Just can’t get used to the new title no=ways.  Corporal B.  AHHH, those were the days.

Am working tonite, Sunday and Monday, and Tuesday is payday.  Am going to have the pass start Tuesday or Wednesday and we shall see what we shall see.  I’m almost to the point where I’m gonna be disappointed myself if I don’t get home.  The very thing I told you not to do.  Sometimes I’m not very consistent, am I, baby?   I’d almost go to church again tomorrow if I could get away.  Then I would be a REAL HYPOCRITE.  SUCH thot’s.%$#

I ain’t said I love you yet, have I, Honey?  HMMMM.  Old age is taking it’s toll.  Cuddle up HERE a bit — THAT’s it.  A little closer, HUH?  Now PUCKER up—- HOLD IT%$# SWELL

Gosh pet, I’m all out of breath from that one.  Let’s do it again, HUH?  GOODIE

G’nite Darlin’, we’ll have another date tomorrow, so ’til then, GAWSH, I’m thinkin’ of ya mighty powerful.


P/S/  The Admiral is due in at midnite– hope he makes it.  I’d hate to have to look at him thru this fence out here.

P.P.S.  I love you again.  PUPS, P.T.’s PERKY nose and all.

P.P.P.S.  Did ART get home O.K.?  You didn’t mention it in your last letter.


A contemporary poster advertising a “Bently” hotel in New Orleans. Vic had visited Danny in Louisiana in 19 hi42.

[Hand-written on back, over edge on to top of first page]

And another thing – You kept kicking me in your sleep last nite– Is that any way for a bride to treat her brand new

Gosh, baby – wot a fream!  Seems like I dreamed that we were honeymooning at the Bently, last nite. husband?


And baby — our Roses are fading!! Are you using sump’m stronger than Lux?